August 7, 2020
RSD Board President, Chris Cloud, after careful consideration following Thursday night's "working" school board meeting, would like to introduce the members of RSD's 'Ready for Le...

August 5, 2020
Important District Contacts For specific questions regarding the beginning of the school year, curriculum, or daily procedures in your student's building you are encouraged...

August 5, 2020
Here are 5 things to know from the Office of the Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher: 1. The RSD Board of Education will meet tonight \r\n Families can participate via Livestrea...

August 4, 2020
RSD Board of Education Meeting will meet at Gardner Auditorium at 7 p.m. Tuesday night, August 4, 2020. \r\n The meeting will be livestreamed on RSD's Facebook page for the publ...

July 31, 2020
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR RSD TEACHERS FROM ASTA \r\n ATTENTION RSD TEACHERS: Per Mrs. Shanna Morgason, Senior Regional Director-Arkansas State Teachers Association (ASTA) \r\n R...

July 31, 2020
Russellville School District would like to congratulate Dewayne Dove for being named Arkansas Bandmaster of the Year! We are proud of your accomplishments!

July 31, 2020
5 Things to Know from the Office of the Superintendent, Dr. Mark Gotcher, for Thursday, July,30,2020 \r\n 1. Deadline Extended to August 6, 2020 Parents may choose betwe...

July 31, 2020
5 Things to Know from the Office of the Superintendent, Dr. Mark Gotcher, for Thursday, July,30,2020 \r\n 1. Deadline Extended to August 6, 2020 Parents may choose betwe...

July 30, 2020
Official Statement from RSD:
This week several high school cheerleaders tested positive for Covid 19. RSD’s Athletic Department has cancelled cheer practices until further n...

July 30, 2020
District Contact Information for Parents-
For any further questions regarding the beginning of the school year, curriculum, or daily procedures in your student's building you ...

July 30, 2020
ATTENTION RSD TEACHERS: Per Mrs. Shanna Morgason, Senior Regional Director-Arkansas State Teachers Association (ASTA) RSD qualifies for our $500 Classroom Makeover drawing! If yo...

July 30, 2020
Follow the link to our website Russellville Cyclone Virtual Academy Information "option C"

July 29, 2020
School Nurse COVID Communication Flow Chart - as discussed in Board Meeting.

July 29, 2020
School Nurse COVID Communication Flow Chart - as discussed in Board Meeting.

July 27, 2020
RSD's summer meal program has been extended through August 14, 2020 for RSD families. Weekly meals can be picked up one day a week on Tuesdays, between 10:30-12:30 p.m. at Crawfor...

July 27, 2020
RSD's summer meal program has been extended through August 14, 2020 for RSD families. Weekly meals can be picked up one day a week on Tuesdays, between 10:30-12:30 p.m. at Crawfor...

July 20, 2020
Safety at RSD is a team effort, we are committed to working together to keep our district and those we care about safe. If you SEE something, SAY something. Text RUSSELLVILLET...

July 7, 2020
RSD now offers 'one click' link to our back to school information on our district and school websites. *New information and details will be published on July 22 for the 2020-2021...